Allegations of misconduct in research are rare but the University takes them very seriously. The University is committed to ensuring that allegations of misconduct in research are investigated with all possible thoroughness and vigour.
University Policies and Procedures
Procedure for the Investigation of an Allegation of Research Misconduct
On 23 February 2024, the University approved a new Procedure for the Investigation of an Allegation of Research Misconduct (PDF, 358KB), which applies where there is an allegation of Research Misconduct (as defined in section 3 of the Procedure) against any person undertaking research either as a member of or whilst connected to a University institution or using University facilities or funding.
This Procedure replaces the University's Misconduct in Research Policy for all allegations received after 23 February 2024. Allegations received before that date will continue to be investigated according to the previous policy, which is available here: www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/policies-procedures/misconduct-research
- The University 'Statement on Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct Under United States Public Health Service Research-Related Activities for Foreign Institutions' applies to allegations made regarding work funded by the United States Public Health Service.
- Russell Group Statement of Cooperation in respect of cross-institutional research misconduct allegations - sets out principles for the management of the review of allegations of research misconduct that involve more than one institution.
University Contact Points
Anyone with comments or questions regarding research integrity at the University of Cambridge can contact the the University's Research Governance and Integrity Officer, Dr Rhys Morgan (Head of Policy, Integrity and Governance), and/or the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Professor Sir John Aston, using the following email address researchintegrity@admin.cam.ac.uk.
Concerns regarding research integrity at Cambridge can be made or raised confidentially with Dr Rhys Morgan, Head of Policy, Integrity and Governance and the University's Research Governance and Integrity Officer (researchintegrity@admin.cam.ac.uk or rhys.morgan@admin.cam.ac.uk) or, where applicable, through the University's Whistleblowing Policy.
Information and resources
UKRIO provides the following resources for individuals considering reporting an allegation of research misconduct to institutions, publishers, and elsewhere:
- Guide (PDF) - support for individuals on the process of reporting suspected research misconduct
- Checklist (PDF) - list of questions to consider when reporting research misconduct in the UK
- UKRIO Advisory Service - free confidential guidance on reporting a specific concern