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Research Integrity


This page lists the different contact points for matters relating to research governance, integrity and ethics.

Research Ethics

Initial queries from researchers regarding research ethics should be directed to your department or faculty and/or its ethics committee. In the first instance, students should seek advice from their research supervisor.

For other queries regarding research ethics at the University, please contact Dr Sinead Healy, senior research governance and ethics coordinator, and/or the central Research Governance, Integrity and Policy team in the Research Office:

Other relevant contact points for details on research ethics matters involving

Research Integrity & research misconduct

Anyone with comments or questions regarding research integrity at the University of Cambridge can contact the the University's Research Governance and Integrity Officer, Dr Rhys Morgan (Head of Policy, Integrity and Governance), and/or the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Strategy and Planning, Professor David Cardwell, using the following email address

Concerns regarding research integrity at Cambridge can be made or raised confidentially with Dr Rhys Morgan, Head of Policy, Integrity and Governance and the University's Research Governance and Integrity Officer ( or or, where applicable, through the University's Whistleblowing Policy.

Research Integrity Training

If you need more information or have queries regarding central University research integrity training provision, please contact Dr Sinead Healy ( or

Research Governance

The Research Policy, Governance and Integrity team also provides high-level support regarding research governance matters and can be contacted at

For clinical research governance matters, please contact the clinical School Governance Team:

For details on human tissue, see the University HTA website.