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Research Integrity


Cambridge Guidance

The University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) has approved the following guidance documents relating to good research practice and research integrity:

In addition, the University  Research Data Management Facility provides guidance on good practices around data management issues, including organising, storing and sharing of all research data and related outputs (e.g. software, code).

External Guidance

This section provides links to key policies and guidance documents provided by external stakeholders relating to good research practice and research integrity.

All researchers should be aware of and work to uphold the principles set out in:

For European and global guidance on research integrity see:

Research Funder policies and guidance documents include:

Professional Association guidance

The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO)* provides:

  • Education – guidance and support through publications on research practice, training activities and a comprehensive events programme
  • Sharing best practice – clear and honest development for the research community through facilitated discussions about key issues, informing national and international initiatives and working to improve research culture.
  • Expert guidanceconfidential and expert advice and guidance on research integrity and research culture issues, as a proactive service for both institutions and individual researchers, as well as in response to requests for assistance.


* The University of Cambridge has been a subscriber to the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) since 2016. The UK Research Integrity Office is an independent advisory body, offering support to the public, researchers, and organisations to further good practice in research. It works to enhance good research practice, address mistakes, questionable practices, and fraud, and improve the culture and systems of UK research.