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Research Integrity


This page provides details of upcoming lectures, workshops and other events relevant to the research integrity, research ethics and good research practice at Cambridge. Anyone who is organising such an event and wishes to advertise it here is invited to contact the Research Strategy Office.


Current Events




Past Events

Preparing an ethics application for higher educational research projects: practical tips and strategies
Wed 9 Nov 2022
12:30 - 13:30
Venue: Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d
Provided by: Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning

Book a place here:

Research into the learning and teaching experiences of students and staff is increasingly highly valued and useful in providing an evidence-base for improving educational experiences. Core ethical principles should always be followed in research design, whether you are designing your study for a publishable research outcome or evaluating teaching and learning for your own purposes or internal discussion.  However, a formal ethics review will be required where your research project involves human participants, such as teachers and students, or where it involves personal or sensitive data, and where you have a plan to publish, present or publicly share your findings. 

Cambridge now has a process for applying for ethics review of internal institutional educational research projects, supported by the Cambridge Higher Education Studies Research Ethics Committee (CHESREC).  This will be of interest to staff and students initiating research studies of their  teaching, learning, assessment or other related educational experiences within Cambridge. 

This workshop will provide an introduction to the ethics application process for colleagues interested in developing, and eventually publishing, their teaching, learning or other related educational projects. It will:

  1. provide an overview of ethical principles underpinning research with human participants (teachers and students)
  2. clarify the difference amongst evaluation, evaluative research and research project
  3.  discuss common ethical issues related to ‘insider’ or practice-based research
  4. illustrate aligning appropriate methods with research questions and anticipated participants
  5.  demystify the ethics review process 
  6. offer practical tips about what you need to prepare for your ethics application

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice about their potential higher educational research projects.  All are encouraged to bring draft project ideas, and will be shown some exemplar ethics applications. 

For more information contact CHESREC


University Research Ethics Committee Ethics and Integrity Workshop 2018

Ethics and Integrity of Open Research

13:00-16:00 7 December 2018

Lecture Room 7, Mill Lane Lecture Theatres

Contact to book a place

University Research Ethics Committee Research Ethics Talks 2017
Ethical and Legal Challenges in Dealing with Personal Data
15:00-16:30 28 November 2017
Lecture Room 7, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms

Contact to book a place

University Research Ethics Committee Ethics and Integrity Workshop 2016
Interdisciplinary Research Ethics
15:00-17:00 13 June 2016
Lecture Room 1, Mill Lane Lecture Theatres

Ethics of Big Data in Practice – Lent Term Workshop Series

Organised by the Ethics of Big Data Faculty Research Group, CRASSH

During Lent Term the Ethics of Big Data group will explore the challenges of applying ethical reasoning in different contexts connected with Big Data research.

The first four case study presentations will be open to researchers by application and discussion will be conducted under Chatham House rules. If you are interested in attending please register at and express your interest with a 100 word statement, explaining how your research will benefit from participation in the session

Please note, spaces are limited and participants are encouraged to apply early to secure a place.

The term's programme will finish with a public session on 9 March where an invited panel of experts from a range of different disciplines will be invited to consider a 'mock' research proposal which brings together a variety of the challenges from the real life case studies and present their reasoning to the audience for discussion.

See for further details.

Open scholarship and links to academic integrity, reward & recognition

11:00-12:00 Wednesday 7th October 2015 - Milstein Room, University of Cambridge Library, West Road, Millstein Room, CB3 9DR

How is Open Access (to data, methods and findings) linked to academic integrity and research conduct? What are the correlations between citation counts and research visibility? Where are open monographs headed? Please join us for an opportunity to hear from a leading expert in the open access community, Emeritus Professor Tom Cochrane who is briefly visiting Cambridge from Queensland University of Technology in Australia. During his tenure as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Technology, Information and Learning Support), Professor Cochrane introduced the world’s first University-wide open access mandate, in January 2004. Amongst his many commitments Professor Cochrane serves on the Board of Knowledge Unlatched (UK) is a member of the Board of Enabling Open Scholarship (Europe) and is co-leader of the Creative Commons project for which QUT is the institutional partner for Australia.

If you have some questions you would like answered please email them to or ask on the day.

Professor Cochrane’s profile page is here:

Event registration link: